Inviting Students to the Lesson

How to invite students to class

Welcome to your virtual Teachguin classroom. This is where you'll conduct lessons with your students.

To kick things off, start by inviting your students to the lesson. You can do this by pressing the "Copy Invitation" button or by copying the URL directly from the browser. Then, simply send the link to your students.

Here's a snapshot of what it looks like when your students connect using the link you've sent:

Once the student has granted access to the camera and microphone, they can enter their name and click the "Join" button:

And this is what their screen will look like once they've joined the lesson:

By default, students are muted when they join the lesson, meaning you won't initially hear them. However, an audible notification will indicate when someone has connected to your class.

Students also have the option to raise their hand to signify they have something to say. In such cases, you will receive an audio notification and will be able to see this on their webcam window.

To unmute a student, you can click on the "Raised Hand" or "Muted" icon. Then, you, as well as all other students connected to the lesson, will be able to hear them.

info icon
Please be aware that although students can hear each other, they are unable to see each other's video feeds. This setting is not available in the current learning mode. However, a future update will include a mode allowing students to see and hear each other simultaneously.
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